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Planning Board Minutes 03/23/06

Minutes of the March 23, 2006 Meeting

Members Present:
        Mary Allen              Scott Burnside                  Bob Edwards                     Mike Genest             Renee Rabideau          Andrew Robblee
        Brian Sawich                    

Members Absent:
        Fred Anderson           Ed Rowehl               Alex Snow       
Public Attendees:
        Thomas Thibeault                Lee Bosse               Jeanette Anderson
        Peter Mellen, LLS               Sheila Sullivan Tim Sullivan
        Doug Whiton                     Roger Murray            William Fluhr

Chairman Burnside opened the meeting at 7:00 PM. He designated Ms. Rabideau to sit for Mr. Anderson and Ms. Allen to sit for Mr. Rowehl. He introduced Mr. Robblee who was recently elected to a three-year term on the Board.

Elections of officers: The first order of business was the election of officers for the ensuing year. Mr. Burnside nominated Mr. Edwards for chairman. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion. There were no other nominations. Mr. Edwards was elected chairman on a unanimous voice vote. Mr. Genest nominated Mr. Sawich as vice-chairman. Mr. Burnside seconded the nomination. There were no other nominations. Mr. Sawich was elected vice-chairman on a unanimous voice vote.

Business meeting: Mr. Sawich made a motion to approve the minutes of the March 2, 2006 meeting which was seconded by Ms. Allen and passed. Members received a copy of voting results of the March 16, 2006 zoning ordinance ballot items. Correspondence was reviewed regarding a PSNH requirement to be notified of any subdivisions which involve their power line easements; a notice of a public hearing in Roxbury for a telecommunication tower and a notice of public hearings on the NH Transportation Business Plan.

Buschbaum File # 2004-11PB: The Secretary provided members with a copy of the settlement agreement regarding the lawsuit against the Town for granting approval for Mr. Buschbaum to operate a sawmill.

Sullivan, Sheila File # 2006-06PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public meeting on the request by Sheila Sullivan for a home based business. The applicant proposes to store concession and recreational vehicles for seasonal businesses at 48 Pleasant Street, Antrim, NH Tax Map 1A, Lot 50 in the Rural District. Mr. Sullivan explained that he has three concession vehicles and five recreation vehicles for a total of eight vehicles which he wishes to park on his property. He uses the concession vehicles in his business by driving them to various locations such as country fairs. He also proposes to do minor repair work on the vehicles. The area where the vehicles are being parked was cleared and he intends to improve the area over time. It currently is a lawn area and he proposes to add crushed stone when he can afford it. He does want the area to look nice. He has no plans to expand by adding any more vehicles. The only other employee would be a friend that occasionally drives a concession vehicle to the site and stays overnight. There would be no other employee on the site during the day. He had no plans to cut any of the vegetation in the existing buffer zone. He hasn’t decided what to do with the shed that is in the driveway. He may demolish it or he may move it. Currently it is being used for storing the children’s bicycles. Mr. Edwards suggested a site walk. Ms. Allen concurred and wanted to see how much screening there was and how much wetlands. Mr. Burnside did not feel it was necessary and Mr. Sawich would first want to hear comments from abutters. Members reviewed the checklist. Item #4: There were to be no additions to the plumbing or electrical systems. Item # 8: There were to be no signs or exterior lighting. Item #9: Refuse will be disposed of at the concession sites so there will be no need for additional storage and removal of rubbish. Items 10, 12, 13, 14 & 15 were deemed to be non-applicable. Mr. Sawich made a motion to accept the application. Mr. Burnside seconded the motion. Roll call vote: Ms. Allen – aye, Mr. Burnside – aye, Mr. Genest – aye, Ms. Rabideau – aye, Mr. Robblee – aye, Mr. Sawich – aye.

Mr. Edwards asked for abutters who wished to speak. Mr. Fluhr of 8 Bryers Lane wanted to know if there were any plans for fencing. He claims there are nine vehicles on the site. In his opinion it looks like a junk yard and not pleasant to look at. He is concerned that if the use of the property continues as it is, it will devalue his property. Mr. Whiton who lives across the street from the applicant pointed out that all the vehicles are registered and the Sullivan’s are paying their taxes. He said the Sullivan’s had only been there about four months which were winter months and had not had an opportunity to make improvements. He pointed out that the land between Mr. Fluhr and the Sullivan’s is nothing but swampland. He felt the Board should approve the application. Mr. Edwards closed the public hearing and the Board went into deliberation. Ms. Allen moved that a site walk be conducted. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed. A site walk was scheduled for approximately 5:30 PM on March 27th. Mr. Edwards continued the public hearing until April 6th.

CBS Holding, LLC: File # 2006-01PB: Mr. Edwards opened the public meeting on the application of CBS Holdings for a major subdivision which was continued from March 23rd. Ms. Rabideau recused herself. A letter from Underwood Engineering dated March 21st was introduced. Mr. Pitsas of Underwood Engineering advised the town Planner that most all of his concerns regarding the road construction had been addressed and the few remaining items were minor. He saw no problem with granting a conditional approval based upon his final review of the drawings. A report from the Fire Chief dated March 21st was introduced wherein the Chief stated that there were adequate water sources in the area for fire fighting and a cistern was not required. Mr. Sawich moved that the cistern could be removed from the drawings. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Ms. Allen moved that a site walk be conducted. Mr. Sawich seconded the motion which passed. A walk was scheduled for 5:00 PM on March 27th. A report from the Conservation Commission was introduced which indicated that the Commission was satisfied with the wetland mitigation agreed to by the developer. Members then reviewed the checklist. Item #57: Mr. Sawich moved that a decision to require a High Intensity Soil Survey be deferred until after the site walk. Ms. Allen seconded the motion which passed. Item #150: The applicant asked for a waiver to the driveway spacing regulation and requested that the spacing between lots 3-1-2 and 3-1-3 be 93 feet plus or minus. Mr. Sawich moved to grant the waiver. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Item #151: Mr. Sawich made a motion that based on the Conservation Commission report, a special Permit be granted to the developer to disturb the 25’ wetland buffer zone. Ms. Allen seconded the motion which passed unanimously. Mr. Edwards continued the public hearing until April 6th at 7:30 PM.

Knapton, Donald, Estate of File # 2005-12PB: Ms. Rabideau remained recused. The Secretary introduced a memo from the Fire chief stating that he had reconsidered the requirement for a cistern in the development. Based on a recent survey of water resources, he felt that there was adequate water supply and a cistern was not required in the development. He added a recommendation that the dry hydrant fed from Campbell Pond be cleaned out to increase the pressure and the possibility of upgrading the old boat launching area at the end of Pierce Lake Road be investigated. The consensus of the Board was that the memo was ambiguous. It was decided that Mr. Edwards would contact the Fire Chief for a clarification.

Lauber, Jane & Burtis File # 2005-05PB: Ms. Rabideau rejoined the Board. Members reviewed a memo from the Fire Chief which reconsidered his original requirement for a cistern in the development. The memo cited the water resource study with the same improvements recommended for the Knapton subdivision. He concluded that a cistern was no longer required. Members were concerned with the same ambiguity noted above and directed Mr. Edwards to seek a clarification from the Chief.

Mighty Oaks Realty, LLC File # 20005-03PB: A letter from Underwood Engineering was presented which indicated that they have given final approval to the road construction drawings. A precon meeting with the Mr. Hardwick and Mr. Pitsas is scheduled for March 31st at 9:00 AM. Members reviewed a letter to Mr. Schnare requesting the one-third down payment to cover the Town Engineer’s inspection of the road construction.

Tyler’s Small Engine: Members discussed the fact that Tyler’s was starting to rent U-Haul trucks and trailers. Mr. Sawich moved that the Code Enforcement Officer notify the Tyler’s that they are required to apply to the Planning Board for a site plan review. Ms. Allen seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Edmunds Hardware: During a discussion of the Zoning Board of Adjustment denial of special exceptions for the Keung Garden sign, it was noted that Edmunds was in violation because a recent sign installation exceeded the allowable number of signs and it was installed without obtaining a permit. Mr. Sawich moved that Mr. Edmunds be notified of his violation and the need to take corrective action. Mr. Genest seconded the motion which passed unanimously.

Growth Committee: Mr. Edwards reported on information from SWRPC regarding traffic studies. He is in the process of scheduling the next meeting of the committee.

Registration of Mylars: Mr. Vasques presented a survey of thirteen towns regarding their policy for the registration of subdivision drawings. All thirteen respondents indicated that the Town was responsible for the filing. The two persistent reasons were that it’s possible that the Mylar can be changed after being signed by the Board and it’s possible that the applicant or surveyor would neglect to register the Mylar. Mr. Sawich moved that the Board adopt the policy to register the Mylars. Ms. Allen seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Vasques was instructed to develop a procedure and fee schedule for the registration of Mylars and to present it to the Board for final approval.

Procedures for public meetings and public hearings: Mr. Vasques submitted a suggested procedure for conducting public meetings and hearings. It outlined, systematically, a description of the procedure for the public and the step-by-step procedure to process an application. Mr. Sawich moved that the procedures be adopted with minor changes. Ms. Allen seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Vasques was instructed to prepare the procedure in a checklist format that could be used by the Chair during the conduct of a meeting.

Ms. Allen moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mr. Robblee seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Edwards adjourned the meeting at 10:45 PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Paul L. Vasques, Secretary
Antrim Planning Board